Electrical Preventive Maintenance (EPM) Services

Electrical Preventive Maintenance (EPM) Services for the Best Protection

Here at A.J. Goulder Electric Inc., we understand the critical role that electricity plays in your daily life, whether it's powering your home or business. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing top-notch electrical services and maintenance to ensure that your electrical systems are always functioning safely and efficiently.

*NFPA 70E mandates that Arc Flash Potential be calculated and labels affixed to electrical equipment to inform maintenance personnel of safety hazards and the appropriate protective equipment to use when servicing the equipment. A.J. Goulder Electric Inc. can assist by performing these studies and generating the necessary equipment warning labels. *

Comprehensive EPM Process

Electrical Preventive Service: This exclusive preventive maintenance and diagnostic service program offered by A.J. Goulder Electric Inc. utilizes specialized equipment and data gathering techniques for thorough reporting.

EPM Service: Our electrical preventive maintenance program is designed to save your business money, increase electrical system reliability, improve safety, and eliminate the risk of electrical disasters.

EPM: We provide specially trained technicians, state-of-the-art equipment, and unique EPM software to maintain maximum control and organization of your electrical system.

Detailed EPM Procedures

Agreement and Initial Assessment: Once you agree to the maintenance service, we will request the one-line diagram and panel schedules. Our team will locate the equipment, verify its location, and confirm the accuracy of the diagrams and schedules. Any deviations discovered will be documented for future reference.

Thermography and Imaging: After identifying and locating all equipment, our technicians will perform thermography on all electrical equipment. This may require starting up and energizing the equipment to gather accurate readings. Each piece of equipment will be photographed in both thermal and regular images. A detailed report will be generated, highlighting any suspicious items and providing possible resolutions.

Cleaning and Maintenance: During this phase, electrical equipment will be de-energized, which may involve contacting the utility service provider and disconnecting the main power to the building. Each piece of equipment will be opened and photographed before any work begins. The equipment will be thoroughly cleaned using rags and cleaning solution. If any wires are not properly landed on breakers, neutral bars, or ground bars, they will be relocated to their proper positions. Panel feeds will be coated with an anti-oxidizing compound on the conductors, and all terminations will be torqued to recommended specifications, marked with paint for easy identification.

Labeling and Documentation: New panel schedules will be installed inside the panel covers. Disconnects will be labeled to indicate their power source and the equipment they control. We can provide and install new phenolic labels and arc flash labels on the equipment. Updated panel schedules and one-line diagrams will be provided to the customer.

Contact Us Today ~  Don't let electrical problems disrupt your life. Contact A.J. Goulder Electric Inc. today to schedule an appointment or request emergency assistance. Our friendly team is ready to help you with all your electrical service and maintenance needs.